Now I am a hundred years ...
"Friday, July 16 was staged in Torre del Lago
La Fanciulla del West centenary edition of the work. Unfortunately, this masterpiece of Puccini performed for the first time at the Metropolitan Opera in New York in December 1910, has had over the years the success of public and other securities of the same composer, perhaps less attractive, have achieved. La Fanciulla del West is a play by writer David Belasco was set to music by Puccini a whole new feeling for the characterization of a place and its nature as the characters who populate it. We can say without presumption that Fanciulla del West opens the way for modern music (for me much more than what will Turandot) for being very topical in some passages amazes; Puccini himself described it in a letter to Sybil Seligman as his best creation, and rightly so. These references are descriptive in the orchestral part of the vocal writing of great difficulties, both technical and expressive singing, in fact, you have to give the feeling of the soul of the character and unfortunately not always the two things go hand in hand, as was hoped. The Festival proposed a new business focusing on the two stars of international opera
Daniela Dessi and Fabio Armiliato
that have enjoyed a real triumph is also entrusted to the German director Kirsten Harms, the sculptor Franco Adami scenes and costumes, Giovanni Fiorentino. The exhibition as a whole was very well received coldly by the public for perhaps misunderstanding with regard to solutions and interpretations, especially scenic, going in other directions than the original specifications of the setting. If you must remain anchored to a tradition that could, in the eyes of the modern audience, be dusty, we should innovate but staying on the path drawn by the authors of the work. Characteristic of the Western setting were the only Indian totems that were present both as sculptures and paintings on the bottom of the second act, otherwise we see a saloon sketchy, but that has very little western, a hut Minnie non-existent, replaced by scenic elements that do not address (except the table and stools) a house and a forest too stylized in the third act. The costumes were attributable to the historical moment but also often incapable of distinguishing the characters and fit them in their social role (the miners did not have the tools of the trade), the director brought interesting movements, especially among the masses. Often, however, that there was inconsistency between libretto and stage action in the shows that now is the applicant. I think the disagreement will be revealed to the public because it was not possible, with a production like this, understand history and its events without knowing the work previously, if you want to attract a new audience to this wonderful genre of music you must also lead to knowledge of the masterpieces. As I told the players in this edition of the play was
Daniela Dessi and Fabio Armiliato
returning in the title in Torre del Lago, where they had already dealt with in 2005 and after having brought to Rome and Seville.
The role of Minnie is a young man with his strength of will and affection can not hold off a group of miners who hang on his every word for everything, Minnie and their mother, is the mother who left home, perhaps overseas, to try his luck in America. Daniela Dessì
debuted the role in 2005 and now has matured vocally and theatrically so that it is today one of its flagship products, lead singer of reference in the Puccini repertoire (as demonstrated by the recent publication of Decca CD) , Ms. Dessi in this production has brought Minnie to be the girl, not woman, as too many times we have been presented. A girl, mind you, with intelligence and personality uncommon given the situation in which he lives, but always eager to life and emotions. We have heard a constant refrain, safe on all the most difficult passages of the score (the one with perhaps more of a formidable technique requires Turandot), do the discovery of "Down in Soledad" the difficult "Oh if you only knew ...", until '"Joe will want it too ..", to name a few. The
Dessì excited for the way he pronounced every little word, every syllable that included his sentences, and how these words were then married to an issue always high on the whole texture, without giving effect to veristic for a 'innate intelligence Music, and solving the character on the tone that is more proper, that is youthful and lyrical. Scenically every little movement was calibrated to the situation, it was a maiden life in clashes with Jack Rance in sensual abandon and with Dick Johnson, the always fascinating figure already completed the masterpiece created in the musical part of this great artist.
was not the least, he vocally it scenically
Fabio Armiliato I have admired for a large, shared adherence to the character, which is appropriate for him musically and physically, requiring one hand, a lyric tenor voice pushed-dramatically what is his and the other a slender and athletic figure. Since the entry with the phrase "who is for me the rich?" We understand the arrogance that pervades the blood of young Mexican bandit who in fact does not take long to approach Minnie, but, as we had already met.
Armiliato manages to blend the song in moments of intense passion as to make more vigorous and heroic when it comes to having to defend or Jack Rance in the fateful "Now I am six months ..." real test for a tenor Puccini. In the other big air "Save mockery ... She Believes free and far away" you hear a voice that is bent to the lyricism, with truly remarkable results in the dynamics associated with the musical text, it is clear that the air ripped a big applause, and the reason is simple: it was not isolated as a moment of pure and only singing, but was a key point interpretation of vocal and theatrical
Armiliato which reconfirmed to be the Johnson today. Scenically the most intense moments of passion are the perfect way to dialogue in
with Daniela Dessi with a language of gestures and movements between them is rather well established as a true villain, but still weak man and hero at the same time, when must confront in the third act with Rance and the boys of the field to find it (perhaps rightly) an obstacle to their happiness now that he had re-created (thanks to Minnie) in a foreign country and far from home. Throughout the work there is never a look at the character at a distance, and think only in singing, as you will understand, penetrate even a soul; proof of this ability to explore from I Terno Puccini heroes Decca is the new cd "Nessun Dorma" that includes all the tenor arias from Turandot and Edgar demonstrates versatility in singing, and then a great technical knowledge. The "bad" situation, Jack Rance, was entrusted to the Mexican baritone Carlos Almaguer, who had already had occasion to feel as Alfio, and that has not aroused in me strong emotions while singing correctly each step, with a voice of considerable volume. But the problem with this Jack Rance was the absence of the sheriff, and only man in love, in fact there was only the singer who sang well, but always pushed everything to the force and brutality, in my conception of the character it only a part. To signal the presence of a veteran of singing as Luigi Roni that gave voice and body to Ashby a very credible testimony of how a great artist can still, after years and years of career, making only a minor character and importance in the history . Discrete level of the actors, that in this difficult task to interact with each other vocally and scenically is fully functional. The choir, all-male, gave a good performance by Stefano Visconti, the master of great experience. The orchestra, conducted for the occasion by Alberto Veronesi, artistic director of the Festival has played correctly, but without that vitality in a work like the Maid of the West would be desirable. Veronesi rhythmic choices were interesting as well as researching the details and minutiae of the orchestra, on the other genius, of which this masterpiece is scattered, it must be said that the acoustics of the theater does not allow you to enjoy fully a score so complex like this, but I think you may eventually be able to stem these problems with structural changes. Success at a white heat for
Daniela Dessi and Fabio Armiliato
that have confirmed their artistic level, very unique and warm applause for the other singers, with the disagreements that I have said for the visuals. We must say that this girl her one hundred years brings them wonderfully, happy birthday !!!!!!!
Didier Pieri "
And here are two valuable documents video:
" Now I am six months ... " -
" She Believes ... " July 16, 2010
Torre del Lago Puccini, Great Outdoor Theater
THE GIRL OF THE WEST Minnie: Daniela Dessì
Dick Johnson: Fabio Armiliato
Jack Rance: Carlos Almaguer
Ashby: Luigi Roni
Sonora: John Guagliardo
Nick Cristiano Olivieri
Sid: Federico Benetti
Trin: Marco Bello
Volition: Massimiliano Valleggi
Harry Ernest Petti
Happy: Claudio Ottino
Larkens: Veio Torcigliani
Billy Jackrabbit: Pil Choi seing
Wowkle: Larissa Demidova
Director: Alberto Veronesi
Director: Kirsten Harms
Scene: Franco Adami
Puccini Festival Orchestra and Chorus Master of
PEOPLE: Stefano Visconti