Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Cause Neck Get Worse Day Goes

jump croissants with spinach and bacon

The recipe is inspired by the famous sweet croissants Anna Moroni, whose recipe also found here .

I tweaked a little doses going to lower the dose of butter and of course I let myself go over the filling!

For the pastry 90 g butter 1 cup of yogurt
250 grams of flour 1 / 2 tablespoon baking pies for the yeast I used the Lidl which is flavored with vanillin)
a pinch of salt
I put all the ingredients into the food processor and worked with the plastic blade until it has formed a ball which I then left to stand outside the fridge for 1 \\ 2ora
I then made 3 cakes from mixing.
I pulled each dough with a rolling pin which I then spread to form a circle.
I then cut the circle into 8 wedges that I filled with my stuffing.

4 cubes of frozen herbs
6 slices of bacon braised garlic
a woodpecker
125 g cheese.
I have done "toast" on a pan with the bacon cut into strips garlic. I then added the herbs boiled and cottage cheese. I then seasoned with a little salt and pepper
So I stuffed my slices of dough, I've rolled up, spennelati with beaten egg yolk and covered with sesame seeds

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Termination Of Life Slogan

morsels of spicy chicken

The chicken in my house is the most popular. Maybe it's a matter of softness, perhaps a matter of taste, or maybe just the flesh that I can play better (= does not become a blunt weapon with which injury is very hard to argue in the typical dinner-end work day-discharge accumulated tension

!!!!) Anyway a nice chicken breast in the freezer never fails also because it lends itself to a thousand recipes from simple steak last minute, the scallops, the morsels. And with a recipe I made the bites the other night.

A whole chicken breast

2-3 anchovy fillets in oil 1 tablespoon capers in brine

1 clove garlic 1 \\ 2 onion 1 glass of white wine

5-6 medium potatoes

oil Salt and pepper

First I diced my chicken breast
Then I made a pan with 2 tablespoons of olive oil and garlic finely sliced \u200b\u200bonion, I added the capers and anchovies crushed with a fork. I made brown the chicken pieces, salt and pepper, and once I have got good color gradient with a glass of white wine. I left on a low heat and cook covered for about 20 minutes.
In the meantime, I put in a pressure cooker potatoes in their skins and I have been running for about 15 minutes from time. I have peeled and cut into large pieces. I added them to the meat and I continued cooking for another 10 minutes.

.... I do not say that later that evening (???????) harmony to the table ... .. and yes the magic of the pot !!!!!

E below immaginidella little family struggling with the preparation of the Advent calendar ..... what will be never out? Certainly a masterpiece!