Friday, September 15, 2006

Mr Men Shirt Sold In Singapore

Farewell Oriana

E' Morta Oriana Fallaci ... .. a tough one that did not mince his words ... .. true and like all real people in life you make friends and enemies.
Whatever one may say about her ... ... would certainly be repetitive in recent times there has been much talk about it with her .....

"Anger and Pride" "The Force of Reason" and "Oriana Fallaci Oriana Fallaci interview were the last of his works after years of silence. ... Certainly want to say what he thought and to challenge first-person as usual .... Back after the tragic events of September 2001 which affected not only America but the entire free and democratic world. I
still here ... and remember one last thing his beloved city of Florence after his last books ... has denied him the gold florin ... the highest honor in two town ... smashing!! Oriana who was pro and who against.
Thanks Oriana for giving us your books and your interviews and have always been true, after all the world has loved and hated because you're always yourself.

Time will tell if you were right ... but now I know I already regret the fact that they can not spit for all those false moralists will say that a lot of good things about you but at the bottom are the usual yesterday shouting angry for your claims.
ernesto discontent

"I have always loved life. Who loves life never fails to adapt, endure, be controlled. Those who love life is always at the window with a gun to defend life ... A human being who adapts, which is suffering, that you command, not a human being "(from an interview in 1979, Luciano Simonelli).





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