Monday, September 25, 2006

Tarak Mehta Shooting Location

tapping Telecom - No Minister Di Pietro are not here!! In Italy

morning to morning radio 24 has been the guarantor of the authorities interviewed the Minister of Privacy Rodotà that clearly says

"The authority has since 1997 indicating that the unauthorized wiretapping is a violation of privacy"

So it follows that the guarantor of rights shows that only those authorized by the judiciary does not violate the rights of citizens.


Let me explain ... .. we would kill two birds with one stone!!

In the sense that if the wiretaps violate the agreed rules and therefore the rights of citizens. ... It's OK by then the damage is done and then let us use them to justice.


I think not .... You can not step on the right. ... To do justice, or whether officials Telecom suspects by accident put him under arrest a few corrupt .... What are they .... Benefactors!! in the end we should give a medal for valor civil.

But it does not hold up under even the appearance of justice ... I do justice having used instruments do not conform to it ... .. it seems to me that in our law courts do not judge things not in accordance with the law (against it).

Two people make an agreement to renovate a house. ... But the company does work illegally without a permit to build. ... The owner does not pay the company ... (does not matter why he refusal), then the company takes the owner to court to enforce its claim ... ... even in the presence of contract between parts and invoices.

The court considers the facts ?????????

No, because contrary to law. ... The company was not even begin work. ... (A good judge sends the case to the offices responsible for the demolition work without authorization) to whether they would comply with the law because would not have occurred ....


So the government's decision to destroy the unauthorized wiretapping is wise and consistent with the rights of citizens ..

Personal freedom is inviolable !!!!!!!! to stop a few rogues can not fail to laws or principles. ... especially when it comes to individual freedom ... .. must be an investigation to establish the evidence of the guilt of the people. ... fail in this is to put more into question the principles to our advantage often personal interpretations of the second magistrate. ...

During the Tangentopoli ... I did not agree with the actions of Di Pietro that put the suspects in jail and throw away the key until it confessed. ... Acted as the S. Inquisition in 700 !!!!!
no matter whether Italy was running where he was fishing and fishing in 90% of the wax wheeling ... ... but the 10% who was the victim of abuse and has been seen to limit his personal freedom ... .. when they committed suicide in jail !!!!! THAN WHAT WE SAY SORRY LORD !!!!!



tapping, the decree remains even if Peter insists

Who ran, and he knew he used the Spioni SpA in Telecom?

Scandal spies, Amato: "Understanding what has been infected SISMI"

tapping, Prodi Di Pietro "No hypothesis of change"

De Benedetti: "Telecom nice company to be distinguished by the directors'


Friday, September 22, 2006

Does Vemma Pm Make You Lose Weight

Manca A Christoph Blocher

Curiosity .....

interesting speeches by Federal Councillor Christoph Blocher, the Swiss businessman and Minister of Justice ....

Competitiveness - the imperative of any good businessman and politician

Speech by Federal Councillor Christoph Blocher on the occasion of the prize-Esprix 2005 - KKL Lucerne, February 24, 2005

Reality as provocation

Speech by Federal Councillor Christoph Blocher at the Swiss MarketingDiscorso Prix Award at the Swiss Marketingil March 14, 2006 at the "Kultur-und Kongresszentrum KKL» Lucerne
Speeches, FDJP


Neosocialismo or neoliberalism?

Discourse in defense of freedom, democracy and the market (considerations on managers' salaries). Conference of Federal Councillor Christoph Blocher held on the 36th St. Gallen Symposium May 18, 2006 at the University of St. Gallen


Achivio Speeches and Speeches Christoph Blocher

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Keratolysis Exfoliativa.

the Profs. Romano Prodi is urgently awaited the two houses of the Italian Republic and ... well said!! A Liberal

Good morning everyone ... today is part of Prodi in Italy ......
But the bad feelings go up .....


And there's frost in the DS: it is better if he talks Romano

From "Velina Rossa," Morando to: it's up to him. Villette (Rosa) will ask the leaders


Corriere now heading behind the scenes ...



Flores D'Arcais: so wrong, we must return to the streets .... Nanni Moretti and call upon all who do not hear us !!!!!!


Before you could yell at the enemy number one .... but today against Berlusconi who cries??

Moretti know with the radical left does not want us to think .....

Floris dear to the nomenclature of center-left parties, the civil society represented by girotondini does not want it .... the last election have left out .... why ????? Simple remove

jobs to professional politicians and wife MPs .... .... Fassino Pecoraro Members of the brothers and brother ... and so on .... Cacciari Members brothers friends all recommended to the manger of the Italian state.

Now that the system of the famous Tuscany is in crisis .... Martini increases on gasoline, stamps and houses!!

Maybe someone here but sees red with rage !!!!!

Tremonti that closed the taps from Rome is not the government ... but there Padoa Schioppa (so to say no leaf moves without the permission of Mortadellone .. that did not understand that the University is not making lesson)

In Last what happened to the party in Milan
Unit is shameful ...... Who beat fellow comrades in .... Berlinguer name ... with Fassino that avoids the questions ..


as in section Ponte Milvio in Rome ... when it was pressed on the Unipol case ... even threaten them and shoving ... .

I stop but only for a sense of pity that announcing it in the fridge .... I keep a bottle of arm ... ready to be open in the next election ... hopefully by Christmas so I take his birds with one makes it ... .

I wonder why every day are increasingly dissatisfied with mica .... I done wrong??

ernesto discontent

The temptation to
alone Sergio Romano

Confalonieri, "Mediaset away from Telecom '

Prodi:" Tronchetti has used the government "

And there's frost in Ds: better if he speaks Romano

"Too much politics, I look for partners for Sky Italy" The outpouring of
Murdoch: We feel more confident. Telecom? Negotiations concluded

Monday, September 18, 2006

How Does Dental Suction Work

words ..... But private companies are not the Coop !!!!!

Caro Romano .... I smell the Telecom case of Cuban !!!!!

But then Romanucci nice .. that you preach D'Alema tips!

By Telecom 9 years after its privatization, (October 1997). Back
Guido Rossi mention in the chair who has led the company out of public scrutiny. You will

MICA Repent!?

You do not want to imitate the French??

From Romano think it pragmatic. ... Or holds 51% stake in the Italian company ... then you can hope for otherwise any hard nut you can not make ... .. you never will ensure the stability of the property Italino.

At least when you concede that Romanucci Caro concession services that are considered strategic for the country as a motorway ... ... .... DO IT BETTER NOW ... .. EXAMPLE !!!!!

obliges the licensee:

1 - at specified rates (in line with the average European, but there probably is not the control of Authority)

(See Autostrade share the money but the investment plans are back)

3-All guaranteed by strong bank guarantees (not with money, not who wants)

4-For the rest of the the "golden share ". (Ie specify the special powers that allow the Treasury to oppose capital transactions by Telecom in the event of injury to the vital interests of the State)

But Europe says here that you have to stick to the tram ... ...

Romano do not worry if you say you are just the same is not true Liberal John Stuart Mill Principles of Political Economy in (1848) identifies the problem of natural monopolies and oligopolies ... giving a few tips but clear. In

Last Romanoccio Berlusconi is right (Read Corriere Della Sera ) because one of the two ... or you and D'Alema you missed the first six (Read Art Wood Stroro ) or are you wrong now !!!!!!!!!!!!

THE ROMAN NOT SO 'EASY BEING OF LIBERALS ... .. Especially when you have an interest in keeping oligopolies and MONOPOLY DISGUISED ... ..


ernesto discontent

Source language Italian dictionary De Mauro

m in an interdependent way, by measuring each of its strategic choices on the possible reactions of others: the situation, condition o.
EXTENSION CO 2. A situation in which a small group of people has a dominance in the cultural, social, etc.., Arbitrarily imposing their choices [under 18]


concentrated oligopoly TS econ., form of market in which oligopolistic firms offering goods or services of uniform quality and price

mo company holds a strong market power, that dominate the supply and demand goods in order to establish a monopoly tax revenue imperfect TS econ., m. which is attenuated by the presence in the market of goods or services offered by other operators, which may at least partly replace or substitute goods or services of the monopoly monopoly perfect TS econ., m. characterized by the highest concentration of supply in the hands of one vendor, so other bidders can not penetrate the market with substitute products


Telecom Distant View of Dom Serafini

Archive Telecom Corriere Dela Sera

Telenovelacom David Giaconale
The game

Telecom David Giaconale

What do you think the radical left?!

One way out: Give us back the Iri

Telecom The story teaches us something, sometimes the property is theft


Just to understand and know what we talk about ...



Friday, September 15, 2006

Mr Men Shirt Sold In Singapore

Farewell Oriana

E' Morta Oriana Fallaci ... .. a tough one that did not mince his words ... .. true and like all real people in life you make friends and enemies.
Whatever one may say about her ... ... would certainly be repetitive in recent times there has been much talk about it with her .....

"Anger and Pride" "The Force of Reason" and "Oriana Fallaci Oriana Fallaci interview were the last of his works after years of silence. ... Certainly want to say what he thought and to challenge first-person as usual .... Back after the tragic events of September 2001 which affected not only America but the entire free and democratic world. I
still here ... and remember one last thing his beloved city of Florence after his last books ... has denied him the gold florin ... the highest honor in two town ... smashing!! Oriana who was pro and who against.
Thanks Oriana for giving us your books and your interviews and have always been true, after all the world has loved and hated because you're always yourself.

Time will tell if you were right ... but now I know I already regret the fact that they can not spit for all those false moralists will say that a lot of good things about you but at the bottom are the usual yesterday shouting angry for your claims.
ernesto discontent

"I have always loved life. Who loves life never fails to adapt, endure, be controlled. Those who love life is always at the window with a gun to defend life ... A human being who adapts, which is suffering, that you command, not a human being "(from an interview in 1979, Luciano Simonelli).




Monday, September 11, 2006

Soundblaster Audigy Se 7.1 Connect To Front Panel


September 11, 2001


Letter to a Terrorist:
You are a poor sniper ... You may have hit the World Trade Center, but you missed America.
you hit the Pentagon, but you missed America.
you hit innocent Americans, but you still miss America. Why? Because of something that never understand. America is not only a building. It is not just financial centers, or military. America is not just a place, America is not only its people ... this idea. The idea that we can live free ..... free to meet, free to dream, free speech, free love, free to bear arms, free to go around, free to join, free to earn as much as you can imagine, free to think, free to disagree, free to vote, free to choose free to teach, freedom to learn, free to be alive, free to live your life and free to pursue happiness. (No guarantee that you will reach, but surely we can try!) Go ahead and your whining and complaining from terrorist sings to your terrorist litany: "If they hear not, if you do not agree with my point of view .... then feel my pain. " This concept is alien to Americans. We live in a country where we are not obliged to accept your point of view, but you're free to have one. We are not obliged to listen to your speech, but you're free to do. We do not know where you got the idea that all must agree with you. (We are constantly at odds ... and we are free to be) There is a Spirit who guides the people who come to this country .... people seeking opportunity, seeking the rights and freedom. You seem to be incapable of understanding that Spirit. We do not live in America ... America lives in us! The American spirit flows through us, rises above and around us and finds its way into our hearts. Kill a few thousand of us, or a few million, not kill our spirit. Instead ... you have the strengthened. We have united ... linked to our American spirit.
For most of the time, is a free spirit ...... until we pass a coward ..... then it becomes a completely different kind of spirit ....
Wait until you see what we do with this spirit this time. Sleep
heavy ... if you can. We're coming. Signed, "America."

(translation of "Francesca"'s Wno)



Fighting the enemy common. " So
President of the Republic Giorgio Napolitano in a message sent on the occasion of the ceremony commemorating the fifth anniversary of the attacks in New York and Washington.
"Mourning the barbarity inflicted on defenseless citizens that day the friend of the American nation and many other nations, is now more than ever in our hearts and our minds. Encourages us to remember and renew their common commitment to face the logic of terror and destruction. "

Archive ANSA


Sunday, September 10, 2006

Rom Pokemon Heart Gold For Desmume

the morality of Pacifinti

Gentlemen pacifinti we left for the most expensive peacekeeping mission / war there has ever been in all respects ... the economic ... and it is also right that I helped you with a serious financial € 35 billion because ... gain the benefits of the much hated Berlusconi to be false ... alright .. but no hypocrites!!

and human in the sense of the cost to be incurred in life .....
(but for the statesman Massimo D'Alema and secondary Stalinist because he's not left nor right and not just confused) (I know that the word companion home be bothered) to obey orders .... But you'd be honest if you say to Comrade vergogarti for having cried and / or supported with your fiochetti 1 .. 100 .. 1000 Nasiriyah.

COMPANION BUT THEN WHO !!!!! NOT FAKE Pacciani would want companionship.

ernesto discontent


ernesto 09/10/2006 15:06 discontent -
Blog Beppe Grillo
ernesto 15:14 discontent of 10/09 - The Blog

Insights :

Nasrallah said they would not hand over their weapons but they are all satisfied at Palazzo Chigi.

Palazzo Chigi welcomes the decision taken by Israel to remove the air and naval blockade on Lebanon. On this issue, explain the same sources, the government has worked hard in recent days with UN Secretary General. Continue to lay claim, claim their victory. In reality, Olmert agreed on after telephone contact with U.S. Secretary of State and with the United Nations secretary general. It should also be a source of news for almost cloying as presented, the fact that a democratic country (Israel) will respect the agreements reached at the UN. It is surprising, however, the attitude of our government that does not even comment on Nasrallah's statements which suggested that the attitude of his group on the Resolution 1701 will be very different. For example, do not surrender their weapons to the Lebanese Army as it would have under the agreements reached. And 'they should give notice that D'Alema, in the same peremptory which prides itself in these days in Israel, to carry over that determination in accordance with the 1701. A similar attitude could perhaps be considered equidistant. And eliminate the doubt about the support that our government seems to give Hezbollah.


The mission will cost 100 million a year more of the "Ancient Babylon" in Iraq (about 500 million per year) and more than twice the NATO mission in Afghanistan (on average 280 million per year). It can therefore already proclaiming the most expensive Italian military mission since 1945. Despite the financial situation of Defence, denounced by all the chiefs of staff, is dramatic excess defense?
After years of controversy on costs "excessive" the Italian mission in Iraq and Afghanistan and rhetorical questions posed by the left who wondered "how many schools and hospitals could have been built with so many millions of euro", "Operation Leonte "sailed to Beirut without any objection on the costs so high that it can already proclaim the most expensive Italian military mission since 1945.

Only the first four months, from September to December, the government has allocated 216 million euro to finance the effort in Lebanon: 187 million to cover the cost of the military contingent and others to support post-war reconstruction of Lebanon .
Money made available by the boom in tax revenues guaranteed by the Finance Department of the Berlusconi government. For 2007, the military costs of the "Leon" rather are estimated at around 600 million Euros, but could increase given that the Italian contingent operating on Lebanese territory will increase by November from the current 800 to 2,600 soldiers and could rise to 3,000 units in February of next year, when Italy will take command of UNIFIL. "Leon" and then it will cost 100 million a year more of the "Ancient Babylon" in Iraq, which cost about 500 million per year and more than double the NATO mission in Afghanistan, which costs on average 280 million per year. Yet in

Iraqi province of Dhiqar quotas have worked well over 3,000 staff and turnover of the units, logistics support and journey times of ships and aircraft were certainly higher than in Lebanon while the lives and work of the military were certainly more disadvantaged. In Afghanistan, where there are currently nearly 1,800 Italian troops, logistics and transportation costs are still higher than in Iraq because the absence of coastline makes it impossible to use ships and all materials arrive by air in Kabul and Herat.
pushing up the accounts of Italian participation in UNIFIL forces contributing to the huge aeronaval. How
use, initially, six warships including the aircraft carrier Garibaldi Harrier jets and helicopters to provide support and cover charge at the first contingent which lands on the ground. After about a month the carrier will return to Italy to be replaced by a detachment of Air Force AMX fighters that probably will redeploy in the British base of Akrotyri, Cyprus.

vessels and aircraft that were sent to Iraq and Afghanistan where support from heaven is guaranteed by the Anglo-Americans who also provide the fuel for military vehicles.
also engaged with the UN soldiers in Lebanon will earn more than their colleagues in Iraq and Afghanistan, a sergeant or a lieutenant colonel in Tyre will receive a per diem of € 200 against 166 a peers or Nassiryah in Kabul.
The United Nations should, however repay a portion of the costs yet to be determined but in general they are percentages not exceeding 25% of living costs and pay for the maintenance of the peacekeepers, but some do not cover the costs of managing a fleet department or a fighter jet.

the new commitment in the military overseas raises is highly critical not only for the type of mission, but because the costs incurred with the funds specifically to finance the missions are not adequately invest in the defense budget.
The intense operational use has worn it means above all Army appropriations continue to fall but prevent the acquisition of new equipment, adequate training and even the acquisition of spare parts.
The financial situation of Defence, denounced by all the chiefs of staff, is dramatic: no money for fuel and even to clean the barracks while nearly three quarters of the budget is used to pay salaries.

Source: Panorama


Monday, September 4, 2006

Driver Tv Tuner Internal Philips


the center-left Democratic Reform LIBERAL ......
AND THE NETWORK THAT is a tough test!!

remember the Union website was closed because it was used to ¾ comments a day ... ... .. it was chic But after the approval indult in one day about three hundred comments of indignation turned against the blog ....

We were the first cut but after the speed and amount of feedback possible thanks to the communication network operators in a panic .... they change their mind

Dr. Padellaro on the pages of the unit is also bothered by saying "do not feel grillini of any kind, you have already forgotten the five years of Berlusconi" dinosaurs to become extinct BUT WILL SLOW 'on the day of their natural ... ...

I Men's Free and Democratic advertise and adhere to both the initiatives of the CD. and whether for the cs. addressed to policy change ... .. and the construction of two centers of downtown!! The
because you will understand better by reading an exchange of views had on the blog of Julius.
ernesto discontent

Dear Silvio Berlusconi last week launched an appeal to give birth to the Freedom Circles, a kind of embryo of the new single party.
"It will be the people - says Berlusconi greeted by a standing ovation - to impose the birth of this great party, even among the young

this party's already there. Assume you first give rise to the task of the Working freedom throughout Italy. "

Giulio does this appeal and is aimed at those who have joined the establishment of the Committee is chaired by Mr. Antonio Palmieri, who has seen 8991 persons registered in order to transform the Committee in the first circle of freedom on the network.
Mr. Palmieri who has already incurred in the past in collecting signatures, today we did get his approval for this initiative spontaneous. We created this site the form with which to join the Circle of Freedom 'and open up an area Giulivo organizational part of the Decalogue voter Center Right, which and 'was written thanks to your contributions, as a founding document of the Club and your opinions about how to structure a form of association which now sees finally take the first step.

I attended myself I choose GOVERNMENT

site is temporarily unavailable

We apologize for the inconvenience, the site is currently undergoing maintenance.


report some Speeches by Giulio


I lGiulivo, written at 23:14 of 03/09

Ernesto and the theme ' Prodi and 'quick change or not? We have a leader who was able to form a coalition that has' divided by the arrival of the copings of a married small parties that well thought of being able to replace Berlusconi. You have already 'made the mistake once and you had to call to return to the Prodi government, because it' s the most 'mellifluous processors, capable to reconcile with De Mita Di Pietro Passera and with freedom.

ernesto discontent wrote at 23:30 of 03/09

@ IlGiulivo, written at 23:14 of 03/09 No I do not agree on as you put it ... .. We have a problem for years. ... The cowardice of the current leaders of the DS in self-criticism in the past. ... And turn clear as the center-left force that takes the market ... The company as a social value to the community (but you will summarize understood, allowing Berlusconi to Italy with red paint as if we were still in the 70s). ... fear consents to lose el'arrivismo D'Alema us back 10 years to resume a path ... Prodi and the tool to start today in this path (assuming you do the Democratic Party that's what interests me today) As you know well Grandmothers campaign of former Christian Democrats and the priests still vote and their votes are coveted by all ....
Then if the coalition was to ernesto CS was smaller because I cry with those who still long live Fidel I do not feel there is not even there I felt much less in 72 in 2006. So
No Trickster De Benedetti says, but as Chief of transition.
ernesto discontent

Julius Caesar, written in the 03/09 23:38
We have a problem for years. ... The cowardice of the current leaders of the DS in self-criticism in the past. ... And turn clear as the center-left force that takes the market
AND ERNESTO 'That's the problem. Communists were in their essence. Forget those who say they are communists, are those who pretend to be otherwise never have been, but instead continue to use the categories of communist thinking, the danger to which Berlusconi alludes. Simplifies calling them communists, but that's what you mean.
I, you and many others we would have no problem living with Blair and a vote for him. I, you do not know, I have a lot of problems in our voting center, because it is not he Labour or Liberal. They are only ex-communists who while continuing to think communists are only interested in power and the privileges associated with it.


ernesto discontent, wrote to the 03/09 23:43

@ Julius Caesar, written in the 03/09 23:38
Ok Italy and in a transition phase politics ... that's why I look good even giving my support to the clubs for freedom .... as I will give to the Democratic Party circles to make them .... just because it is in bipolar and generational change that will ... mandate after the Second Republic government responsibility in the interest of the country .. and may the best win ....
ernesto discontent


IlGiulivo, wrote to the 03/09 23:46
Ernesto discontent we agree
IlGiulivo, wrote to the 03/09 23:39

Berlusconi embodies a political movement which has filled the boxes to be ruled by the powers that bank, the bankers (de) Benedetti only capable of creating holes and unemployment, the boyars of Nomisma, tarot milk Friends De Mita, the judges in their robes Red cooperation with consultants from 100 billion, missions rainbow, the purchases of companies' telephone bloodthirsty dictators, of the charges at night, taxes on Europe, the Communists in as such ...


ernesto discontent wrote at 23:53 of 03/09

@ IlGiulivo, wrote to the 03/09 23:39
Berlusconi is the son of the First Republic as full members. ... Then you can tell how Bettino that was the system .... here and possibly with dialogue share the goals realistic and men of faith (including political) to evaluate and make judgments on the facts.
But your song I feel like virgins of cases .. no ...
PS: hope you're liberal enough not to block IP.
see them or have heard for some acclaimed leder .... party ... I appear to be spotless as the defenses of the old PCI towards the East.
ernesto discontent
