Friday, August 18, 2006

M Jak Milosc Odcinek 792 Online

reinvent government coalition !!!!! The Prison

I went on leave by the last post about Fidel and the rhetoric of our President of the House Fausto Bertinotti.
I'm here on holiday in search of an Internet Point to write what I think ... about eighty years of Fidel and his 47 years as dictator.
These days are different newspaper articles that deal with Cuba to Fidel and the views of some Italian politicians in particular those that form part of the radical left.
I understand that a veteran of the Italian Communist left as Pietro Ingrao not agree on the statement by Fausto Bertinotti and declares, "In Cuba, heavy dictatorship disagree with the message" noting that even the people in Cuba today is not free .... Decreeing failure Castrista (source of the Corriere della Sera 07/17/2006). From the same source

law is "there is little democracy in Cuba, but it sure is not fascism" It may not be understood fascism as we know Italian .... But only and only because we are not accustomed to see and recognize the Fasciocomunista ... ... DUE TO FAILURE OF OUR ITALIAN !!!!!! The same anomaly that allows people in the anti-democratic values \u200b\u200bthat can be said to still haunt the Communist and Leninist Filocinesi. This allows him our democracy and all those people in the sixty years of Republican history have fought to maintain it.

These gentlemen including the current secretary of the PRC Jordan and the secretary of the Italian Communists Oliviero Diliberto (lately more often photographed with the Tuscan cigar ... .. they are already the politicians of the cigar) because you see the Italian Communists were the first to wish it to Fidel!! !!

SOURCE: Party of Italian Communists


greetings to Fidel PDCI


Rome August 1, 2006

Faced with the sudden news operation had to be the President of the Republic of Cuba, the national secretariat of the Party of Italian Communists sent to Fidel Castro's heartfelt 'fraternity for a speedy recovery. Not only Cuba but all of Latin America that Fidel Castro needs to resume as soon as his leading role in his country and to stimulate the political process Continental. Finally, the PDCI condemns the usual attempts to denigrate that Cuba must endure at a delicate time like this. The usual birds of ill omen should be once again change his mind before the firmness with which the Cuban people will face any challenge in the wake of the revolutionary experience that has provided so far in Cuba, independence and dignity.


Rome August 5 (Adnkronos)

''I do not think too much weight to the personality in history, but I had to learn that it exists. I think a trivial thing: that Fidel Castro of Cuba is irreplaceable.''

, said the chairman of the House Fausto Bertinotti during an interview that will air in
bet tomorrow's cameras. This add-

''- does not mean that the path would end in Cuba when President Fidel Castro gave up the captain to play its role. But his charisma, opposed only by another extraordinary character as Ernesto Che Guevara, means that for me is just natural to consider irreplaceable Castro Cuba.''


Unfortunately for us these are the government in 2006 in Italy !!!!!!!

RHETORIC AND Fools' HERE I AM A all one ....

False Democrats should not be in government in a democratic country !!!!!!!

When we have positions and the important institutional .... It means that something does not work ... in the country that the strength of the center is unable to engage citizens ... .. The parties of the radical left should stand out from the center left because the values \u200b\u200bexpressed by them are not clearly in favor of democracy .... it is only with adherence to democracy as an absolute value is essential that you allow political change and the government of the people, giving people all those individual and collective freedoms inherent in Western-style democracy.

often before the election we hear that the government led the country put democracy at risk ... .... I am convinced that put at risk the democratic values \u200b\u200bit claims to Fidel or any other dictatorial regime regardless of the color which is the regime. I say all this from a man who feels the center-left to scream ...
the Cuban people by the dictator Fidel ... FREE.


ernesto discontent

Fidel Castro among the most powerful rich "A wealth of 900 million

pprofondimenti Published: 08/18/2006

Diary Republic

article on the Republic


The Republic


The Republic

Sunday of the Republic


Other Articles

S and words have meaning ... ... ....

Source: Oil Devoto edition 2005 - CD


sf 1. Form of government in which power is exercised by the people through freely chosen representatives (d. Representative) •
D. direct form of exercise of power by the people, without intermediaries.
2. Country governed by orderly and democratic organization of power: the d. Western • part. D. popular expression that defines the political and social system of the countries of Eastern Europe, excluding USSR.

3. Ideal structure of government of a society that is founded on the principle of popular sovereignty, the guarantee of freedom and egalitarian conception of civil rights, political and social rights of citizens • Part. D. socialist, the combination of democratic principles and self-government with those of social equality and economic - D. formal, in which democratic institutions and policies of equality are realized only in the legal and political
- D. substantial, in which democratic institutions are also manifested in a concrete equality socio-economic equality between the citizens
- D. totalitarian political journalism in the contemporary term used to describe a particular form of despotic power, exercised by an individual or a group of people, which finds its legitimacy in the enthusiasm of the masses and subtly uses slogans and symbols typical Democratic - D. electronic, open access to information and opportunity to express their opinion on any subject, which guarantees to all Internet users equally.
4. The ideal combination of political forces that oppose the dictatorial forms of government.
5. In the name of individual political parties or movements: D. Christian, born of the
instances of social Catholicism at the end of the century. XIX in Europe and now, after the Second World War, the political party in Italy and other countries of the world in 1994, the Italian Christian Democratic Party became the Italian Popular Party.

6. Attitude affable, friendly, helpful, esp. towards subordinates. From

gr. Demokrat, comp. demos 'people' and the theme of kratéò 'command' d., see CENTRAL
- guaranteed or endorsed by the respect or the full application of these principles: laws d., d. methods; elections
d - True or inspired by the ideals of democracy sentiments d. • How
sm (f.-a), an advocate, follower of democracy
- Democrats of the Left, political party founded in 1998 by the union of the Democratic Party of the Left with other minor parties of the center
- Democrats, political party founded in 1999 initiative of moderates of the center and the mayors of several large Italian cities, in 2001 merged with the Italian Popular Party, the political grouping of center-left Margherita.
- 2. Este. (Family). As a person sensitive to the needs and respects the rights of others. From

gr. d mokratikós, der. mokratía d 'democracy' Communism and socialism maximalist. Comp

of social democracy along the lines of Ted. Sozialdemokratie of goods produced), resulting in abolition of private property and the overcoming of social classes
• S. democratic, see SOCIAL DEMOCRACY
• S. human face, more attentive and sensitive to the values \u200b\u200band problems of individual
• S. real, the political and social model implemented in countries which rely on Marxist orthodoxy, with particular reference to those of Eastern Europe until the late eighties.

Der. of social, along the lines of fr. socialism and dell'ingl. socialism policy of socialism doctrine s.; economy s.; system s.
• In the name of individual movements or political parties: party s. the Italian Workers' Party was born in Genoa in 1892.

2. sm and f. Attached or joined a socialist party: the s. • Italian
S. Italian democrats (acronym SDI) party, part of the grid's center-left, which is inspired by the reformist socialism.



Doctrine political, economic and social based on the individual but not common property of existing assets and the means of production; com., Implementation, ethical and political conception of each more or less directly connected with that doctrine, and the conditions resulting therefrom and is its expression.

From fr. Communism, der. spelling of 'comune1' In the name of individual movements or political parties: the party c. the Italian Marxist party founded in 1921 by a split from the Socialist Party, since 1991 has become the Democratic Party's left, then turned into the democratic left, while its component has led to the re-establishment party of c. which is then separated the Party of Italian Communists (1998) Due to the communist party: proposals
c .2. sm and f. Those who profess communism, Spec. if framed as a political party: the c. cinesi.dim. fam. comunistèllo in sign. 2. pegg. fam. comunistàccio in sign. 2
sm 2 and f. (Pl.m.-i), not com. Who owns a right, or join in the enjoyment of a right, in communion with others.


sm (pl.-i) Principle evident in itself, and therefore does not need to be demonstrated, since the foundation of a deductive theory, com., principle, Max. From lat. Late axioma - tis, from the Gr. Aksìa but-atos, der. áksios of 'worthy' and thus 'dignity' adj. 1. adj. In botany, relative to the root: hair r., r. apparatus; suckers r, r. absorption, which is operated by the root hairs, leaf r., misnomer of the lower leaves of the stem in some plants seem to derive from the root. 2. adj. (Fig.). Relative to the root, namely the intimate essence of something: the radical foundation of the Imperial Majesty (Dante) relative to the root of a word • more com. Looking for a change or total reorganization and substantive remedy, radical renewal. In political party r., European and Italian historical party which is based on principles and ideals of substantial renewal even within a liberal conception; trends r., r. policy, guided by the principles espoused by the radical party, such as MS and f., a member of a radical party or supporter of its policy From lat. Late radicalis, der. ICIS-of radix 'root'; in sign. political, calculated sull'ingl. radical
Cuba Fidel Castro leaves power temporarily to his brother for health reasons Havana, August 1, 2006 the "Maximo Lider" in Cuba, Fidel Castro, announced Tuesday it had temporarily ceded his powers his deputy, his brother Raul, Minister of Defense, due to health problems.
In a statement read on television by a spokesman for Castro, Carlos Valenciaga, the Cuban president announced that he should undergo a delicate operation because of an acute intestinal crisis with a severe hemorrhage.
It 's the first time in 47 years that the octogenarian Castro to hand over the government of the island.

Raul Castro, brother seventy-five less than Fidel, is the minister of defense and control of the fifty thousand men enlisted in the Army and police in Cuba has always been the right arm of the "Maximo Lider", he himself had said in June that, if appropriate, would rule the island through the Communist Party, whose structures have been strengthened in view of a possible succession.

From the U.S. Government has always opposed the Castro regime, there's lukewarm comments. "We are following the situation. We do not want to speculate on Castro's health, but we continue to work so that 'come the day when Cuba gets his freedom" is the cautious comment from a White House spokesman Peter Watkins. They celebrate
openly Cuban exiles in Florida, who dream the end of communism in Cuba, and Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, an admirer of Castro and the main opponent of the U.S. in Latin America said he was "worried" and hopes the elderly leader a "speedy recovery


Rome, 5 August. (Adnkronos) -''I do not think that a weight excessive personality 'in history, but I had to learn that it exists. I think a trivial thing: that Fidel Castro is irreplaceable for Cuba.''Lo says Speaker of the House Fausto Bertinotti during an interview that will go 'on air in tomorrow's episode of' camera '. This add-''-does not mean that the path would end in Cuba when President Fidel Castro gave up the captain to play its role. Pero 'charisma, opposed only by another extraordinary character as Ernesto Che Guevara, means' that is just natural for me to consider irreplaceable Castro Cuba.''
Cuba, Fidel Castro is recovering and has no cancer the "lider maximo" will return. Fidel Castro has cancer and will be working within a few weeks. The reassurance comes from the Cuban Vice President Carlos Lage, on an official visit to Sucre, Bolivia. Even the Cuban authorities in Havana say that Castro is recovering and could return to power in a few weeks, even if the leader does not appear in public for five days after surgery that forced him to switch powers temporarily to his brother Raul . His aides are trying to avert any suspicion that the 79enne communist leader has now lost the power to control the Central American island, won the 1959 revolution, but admit that his health is weak and will nevertheless reduce the workload of a Once back in the saddle. Government sources say that Castro is well enough to sit and eat alone, even if does not appear in public since July 26 last year. His brother Raul, 75, did not see that ever since Monday's Fidel temporarily handed power, which has triggered speculation about who is really in command at this time. Lage's words are a response to what is written by a Brazilian newspaper that the operation a few days ago is due to stomach cancer and not to gastrointestinal bleeding as announced. "Fidel has had to face an operation and is recovering satisfactorily. Not have cancer, "Lage said to reporters during an official visit to Bolivia. "The operation was a success with success, ' added. In a telephone interview of a radio station in Miami, home to 650,000 Cuban-Americans, middle-Castro opposition in exile, the Cuban National Assembly President Ricardo Alarcon said Fidel has managed to overcome so well "complicated" operation a few hours after "talking and joking." But Alarcon acknowledged that Castro, 80 years on August 13, will necessarily have to slow down his work. "We need him healthy and to work as soon as possible," he said. "But this implies that it will sacrifice to give up a bit 'of the daily work that has been used for so many years." Posted on 06/08/2006
Source: August 6, 2006 23:45 DISCLAIMS CUBA 'Fidel Castro does not have cancer will return in a few weeks' The Cuban Vice President ensures that the maximo leader is recovering, thus disproving the news appeared on the Brazilian press Sucre, August 6, 2006 - The Cuban Vice President Carlos Lage said from Sucre, Bolivia, where he is on an official visit, Fidel Castro is recovering "favorably" after surgery that has been submitted and denied that the lider maximo does not have cancer.
'Conditions Fidel evolve favorably, "Lage assured during a meeting with journalists. "I do not have cancer," Lage said, denying reports to that effect appeared on the Brazilian press, stating that the stomach "was treated by surgical operation." The Vice President then said that Castro will be able to resume his duties within "several weeks". Source:
opinion of Ernesto.

I Fasciokomunisti are those who justify all the massacres and mass killings of the dictatorial regimes which are based on scientific socialism, Marxist Leninist. ... These people are doing their utmost to justify the barbarism carried out by FASCIOKOMUNISTI ... .. the real problem is that these individuals are the highest offices of a democratic state. ... and play at being philosophers Threepenny enjoying the rights that democracy allows.

Fasciokomunisti I should go and live as ordinary citizens in Cuba, China or Korea, and after talking ... ...
live in Cuba for women and children in prostitution. ... Fidel States and if they do it is because he likes ....
Misery, terror and corruption invades Cuba ... but we hypocrites .. Fasciokomunisti continue to dream again ... the world by denying that that world was a nightmare worse than the Nazis in the twentieth century.
The Italians should be ashamed to be represented by Fasciokomunisti ... ..
Unfortunately people like myself looking to the left of center as the power of government is forced to say that if we are to govern with the Fasciokomunisti helmet is better than the government to go back to voting with the majority of other coalitions that are identified primarily on the essential value individual freedom and the democratic state as a form of government.
am 47 years that the Cuban dictator Fidel deprives Democracy and Fausto Bertinotti said in an interview with cameras in Cuba today there is some minimal form of socialism ... ... A REAL PRESIDENT OF THE COUNCIL OF STATE DEMOCRATS SHOULD CONDEMN ALL THOSE STATES THAT DO NOT GUARANTEE THE POLICY TERM TO THE PEOPLE ... .... If the City 'SO GOOD WHY' COMMUNIST COUNTRIES DO NOT TAKE THE PEOPLE? What is the problem '!!!! NOBODY WANTS TO GIVE GOOD THINGS !!!!!! false and hypocritical intellectual dishonesty PARTICULAR BUT WHAT ARE THE FASCIOKOMUNISTI. ernesto discontent other objects Abstract:
******* Cuban leader is seventh in the list compiled by Forbes together with sheiks Gulf and the crowned heads of Europe. But he denies Fidel Castro among the most powerful rich "A wealth of 900 million" Source: ******* Guillermo Farinas, director of independent "Cubanacan Press" "If I have to be a martyr of free information I will be" Cuba, a journalist on hunger strike
"We have the right to use the Internet" Source: ******* At the first meeting of dissidents in the capital loud applause for a speech in video Havana
Bush found his voice "Freedom, enough with Fidel" from our correspondent FRANCESCA Caferra



The story of Francesca Caferri , sent to the Republic in Havana
arrest deportation, an afternoon with the police of Fidel
"He violated the law outside of Cuba"
At one point, the agent brings me the printout of the Republic. it ...

****** At the first meeting of dissidents in the capital loud applause for a speech in videos Bush

Havana found the "Freedom, enough with Fidel"
from our correspondent FRANCESCA Caferra

Canek Guevara, the eldest son of the guerrilla writes a letter to a Mexican magazine The nephew of "Che" against Castro
"dictator who has lost his mind"


The grandson of Che Guevara Fidel Castro attacks " Cuba is a dictatorship - wrote in a letter to the Mexican weekly Proceso - in which you persecute poets, free thinkers, trade unionists and homosexuals. Led by a man to whom the power and glory have lost his mind. "Canek, 30, is the son of Hilda, the eldest daughter of Ernesto Guevara, born in Mexico in 1956 and died in Cuba in 1995 for lung cancer.
Fidel Castro began to believe in itself is not enough, it has forced us all to believe in him. Instead of fighting for a society skeptical, critical and free thinking, applauded the credulity, absolute submission and obedience of his people . All that challenged the old regime, has played three times in the "new".


******* COMMENT

Castro's revolution half century illusion of ADRIANO SOFRI

The results of a survey conducted in secret by a English NGO
L ' 80 percent of young people demand a political regime and the end of Cuba, Fidel against the majority in the poll won democracy
Almost 50% say things are "bad" or "very bad"
Source :

******* Speak the Cuban dictator, "the revolution is at stake is why I have ordered the execution of the three fugitives" Terror second Castro "We kill to defend ourselves" Miguel Bonasso



Carlos Franqui, a revolutionary of the first hour and then a dissident
spent many years in our country :
"On the crimes of Fidel Castro has turned my head to the left"
"In Italy the left has always turned his head away. more with silence than with the open support. In the name Americanism have always forgiven all to Fidel Castro. The intellectuals and politicians of the left always knew well what was the situation of human rights in Cuba with other dissidents, but when we went to ask a signature of a sentence Fidel Castro slammed the door on us. I remember 1971. Fidel Castro had him arrested a poet, Heberto Padilla, and Luigi Nono wrote a protest letter that the unit refused to publish. "

along the line of memories Carlos Franqui, the" grandfather "of Cuban dissidents who now lives in Puerto Rico. Eighty-four years, with Fidel in the Sierra Maestra during the revolution, editor of Revolución, poet, writer and essayist who fled from Cuba in 1968 when he meant to criticize the revolution, even in Europe, to accept the ostracism, the personal insult, the 'indictment, in an era of tremendous Cold War to a man left, "betrayal".

Ingrao condemns the Cuban regime, it follows Bertinotti A portion of the left resists, the people have dignity divides Fidel Castro's Friends "wrong." "No, it is besieged"
Alessandro Longo


Other details: www.Repubblica.It



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